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Titelbild - 3D-Scan

3D-Laser Scan

For a quick and uncomplicated recording of the spatial conditions on site, KREISEL uses its 3D laser scanning technology. This eliminates time-consuming measuring and the subsequent processing for the CAD programs.

The laser scanner provides precise three-dimensional measurement data. Using high-resolution HDR images, it creates a point cloud with several million spatial pixels for each individual operation, which are later merged using special software.

The high accuracy and fast acquisition of data can greatly minimize errors and costs in project plans. Since the scan captures not only the actual object but also the entire environment, further changes can be easily incorporated without the need for another on-site measurement.

A sculptural representation of the task as a moving 3D model with existing and new objects as a PDF provides customers and planners a highly effective and practical working basis.



Product highlights
  • effektive and precise data acquisition
  • highly flexible construction work
  • convenient data exchange customer <> planner
  • data becomes customer property
Range up to 130 m
Accuracy 3 mm on 10 m
Data processing Autodesk® Inventor
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Your contact person
Christian Wienberg Sales plant engineering
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KREISEL GmbH & Co. KG uses certifications to demonstrate strict compliance with company and industry standards of conduct in its operating processes.

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